TimeLapse, periodically captures the primary screen into png files. It is written in C# .NET (should work with mono too).
Download Timelapse v0.1 (ZIP, 7kb)
TimeLapse, periodically captures the primary screen into png files. It is written in C# .NET (should work with mono too).
Download Timelapse v0.1 (ZIP, 7kb)
This function returns the YouTube ID if the input was any form of valid YouTube link or the ID itself:
private function extractID(input:String):String { if (input.length == 11) return input; var reg:RegExp = /http:\/\/(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:[a-z]{2,3}\.)?youtube\.com\/watch(?:\?|#\!)v=)([\w_-]{11}).*/gi; var res:Object = reg.exec(input); if (res != null) return res[1]; return ""; }