P8CoderĀ is a handy little tool that replaces the lua code in pico-8 cartridges (p8) with the code you write in P8Coder (Windows only).


It allows to group functions (any code actually) that belong to the same entity/unit in your game and lets you have functions (any kind of code sections) as tabs.

When writing to the cartridge it concatenates all code to one large lua code block as you would have when writing the cart directly in the p8 file or in pico-8.


Had some time, made this PICO-8 edition of Jetpack, 30 hot levels and various enemies.

zxdevs.com made an interview (Spanish) about the game and Pico-8 related topics. I've added the english transcript below.

Jetman does not know how to jump.
Jetman uses his jetpack if you press C.
Jetman can not have more than 4 lives.

Jetpack on Lexaloffle BBS SHOW


In Rambo - Prison Break you are playing John. He gets support by a friend via phone who is teleporting items into Johns inventory. The ordinary proximity mine, the automatic anti-personnel turret with 4 bullets and a programmable biobot v0.1 are those items available to John to escape from prison. SHOW

PICO-8_2Finally, after 12 years, the first (and only) release of an old idea made it into public.

Pico-8 made it possible ... Lemmtris
Final version with more levels, new music by Pizza, new intro song and some small changes: Lemmtris 2



PICO-8_1Pico-8 is awesome!
It's a complete game editor in a fantasy console including pixel art paint program, sound samples tool, music tracker and code editor (LUA script). And all of that in a 128x128 pixel canvas (scaled-up) desktop application (win/mac/linux). Cartridges can be stored as PNG images files and loaded by anyone who wants to look at its source (with pico-8), artwork, sounds and code. It is totally recommended to anyone who wants to start programming because LUA is very simple! SHOW