Work of a weekend ... simple tilebased editor-like engine with pathfinder and no gameplay.
Dorf sim
Flash AS3
YouTube Video ID from YouTube link, AS3
This function returns the YouTube ID if the input was any form of valid YouTube link or the ID itself:
private function extractID(input:String):String { if (input.length == 11) return input; var reg:RegExp = /http:\/\/(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:[a-z]{2,3}\.)?youtube\.com\/watch(?:\?|#\!)v=)([\w_-]{11}).*/gi; var res:Object = reg.exec(input); if (res != null) return res[1]; return ""; }
Cirondo Flash remake
My friend Harry showed me an interesting board game recently. It's called Cirondo and basically is chess in a circular domain. As far as I know it is no longer being produced
but it can be ordered here: and the website is offline now too. SHOW
Network game system (2009)
In 2009 I made a little game engine for network games in Flash (AS3) clientside and a .NET/C# server. I finished lobby, chat, channels and serverside pathfinding but never made a game for it.
I always loved Flash for its simple 2D vector API. There is still no comparable technology out there but nobody is asking for Flash/AS3 projects anymore ... SHOW
Pentago Flash remake
My friend Herodin bought an interesting game recently. It's called Pentago. Here is my Flash version of it.
The goal of the game is to get 5 balls in a row. After dropping a ball the player is forced to rotate the plate the ball was dropped onto by 90 degrees. The direction of rotation can be chosen freely. SHOW