
Hello, I am Philip M. Wagner, also known as movAX13h on the internet. I am a critical thinker, programmer, toolmaker, and software and multimedia/game engineer residing in Austria.

After completing my education at a technical school for electronics and telecommunication, I began working in the advertising industry in 2001. I worked as a web developer for wukonig.com in Graz, Austria, then as a full-stack lead developer for 3D-Zeitschrift GmbH in Munich, Germany, and finally as a web application developer for LOOP in Salzburg, Austria.

Since 2013, I have been self-employed and primarily work in game and software development. I enjoy working on interactive multimedia applications, editors, tools, and games, as you may have noticed on this blog. Additionally, I have spent a considerable amount of time on ShaderToy.

Please note that the works showcased on this blog are personal projects and are not associated with any of my professional projects, which span a broad range of industries, including multimedia and automation. These professional projects are typically protected by non-disclosure agreements.

@movAX13h on Github

@movAX13h on Twitter

@movAX13h on Shadertoy

6 thoughts on “About

  1. jonathan


    I was wondering since you dissected some old DOS favorite games of mind, would you possibly think about cracking open Tanktics, a Windows 95 era game my family used to love?



  2. Hi Philip,

    We were very impressed with your shaders and wondering if there's a way we can cooperate to get them working using our OpenGL Visualizer in FL Studio (formerly known as Fruityloops).

    If you're interested please drop me a mail.

    Jean-Marie Cannie

  3. Adok

    Hallo, ich bin durch pouet auf deine Website gestoßen. Ich finde schon sehr beeindruckend, was du da machst. Ich glaube, dass Grafiker und Musiker aus der Demoszene gerne bereit wären, mit dir zusammenzuarbeiten. Nur Mut!


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